Klein Holland LLC dba Dutchkinz® is an inclusive corporation. We recognize that talent, ambition and the right attitude are qualities found in people of every race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, marital status and disability. Inspiring happiness, fun, and giving is in the heart of our people. Having our people make connections with members of social associations, civic groups, schools, and other nonprofits is essential to the future growth and success of our Dutchkinz® brand.
Klein Holland LLC welcomes being a part of events that provide nonprofit organizations a means to make funds available to help causes important to their community, all while enjoying the incredible Traditional Dutch Delights that our Dutchkinz® brand has to offer.
Our mission is setting free and spontaneous heartfelt smiles on people’s faces during a fun-filled day that celebrates the magic of family.
Inclusion is the Synergy of Connections
America’s pride and values are woven into the colors of its fabric — diverse people from different backgrounds. We are committed to Dutchkinz and Klein Holland LLC being a reflection of this great diversity. We draw our collective strength from the special kind of energy that comes when people from diverse backgrounds work together towards a common goal — individual growth and happiness.